KittyCalm Antisex formula for female cats 50 ml
Effective 100% and proven formula to hide the symptoms of mating for female cats .
The formula consists of active ingredients that simulate the effect of substances which secreted by the body or the animal during periods of sexual pause other than the mating seasons .
Company guarantee the product efficiency ( total money refund if customer prove product nonefficiency ) .
How to use :
Frirst we should shake bottle well before every time usage .
First: 3 initial doses
Each dose is 3 ml by mouth once daily for 3 days
Second: 5 conservative doses
Each dose is 1 ml by mouth only once a week for 5 weeks, then stop until symptoms reappear
Donot forget to shake bottle well before every time usage .
Important Note : this product for female cats only .
* Cod liver oil
* Unsaturated fatty acids
* d-alphatocopheryl acetate
* Retinyl palmitate
* Cholecalciferol
* Omega 3 fatty acids
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin A
وهو قيد الاستخدام بديت اليوم فيه وان شاءالله ينفع